Leadership game: A full agenda

  • A game about assertiveness, time-management and making the right choices.
  • Applicable to time-management workshops, vitality programs and leadership development training.
  • Validated by researchers of the Radboud University.

Play aim

How often do you say ‘yes, I’ll take this one’, while you’re already fully occupied? How often do you attend a meeting, while you might had other, even more important, things to do?

In which circumstances we have to say yes? And what circumstances can wait? During the game, players discover their focus points and try to stick as much to their (full) agenda.

Learning aim

Time-management goeroes worldwide have at least one big advice in common: don’t plan your whole agenda. There are always unforeseen circumstances that occur.

In this game, your agenda is already fully planned. But you’ll see that, even if you plan ‘time for yourself’, it is still easy to adjust. This leadership game shows the underlying reasons of saying yes, while you might wanted to say no.

Behavioral aim

Deciding to stick to your agenda is one thing, but doing it is something else. You’ll have to say no. The play aim is about owning your agenda. You’ll have to adjust your plans in your agenda as little as possible. Therefore you have to say no.

During this game players learn to say no in a professional manner. Peer learning is key in this process: the players decide what type of no they would accept or not.

“Practicing saying no was very helpfull for me. Especially because of the peer learning aspect.”

“No is an answer as well. Especially if you say it in a professional manner. I’m more confident know to say no.”

3-4 players

30-60 minutes

expected release Q1-2024

€ 495,00 ex VAT

“What’s the result of saying yes the whole day? You’ll get things done, but most of the time not the things that you wanted yourself. An eye-opener.”

It make me think about what is my agenda actual and does it fit with my tasks. Important / not important.”

The leadership game A Full Agenda shows the underlying reasons of saying yes, while you might wanted to say no. In which circumstances we have to say yes? And what circumstances can wait? Players discover their focus points and learn how to say no in a professional manner. It is applicable to time-management workshops, vitality programs and leadership development training. For now, you can play the game only in a facilitated session. However, during Q1-2024 we’ll release the version for trainers, coaches, etc. In this package you’ll receive the game and a facilitator’s guide with information about additional play settings, workshop examples, underlying theories, follow up suggestions and more. Depending on your location, your order will arrive in approx. 3-5 working days. Pre-order now and get notified once the product is available so you can complete your purchase. In the meanwhile we keep you updated about the production process and exact release date.

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